Afterlife Archives - WINDS OF URARTU


Afterlife, Agustin, Espanol, Inhabited worlds, Lyrics, Mansion, Self Improvement, Self Mastery, Self Realization, Society

acto II: El Amanecer de la Inmortalidad

Experimente la maravilla del primer despertar en los mundos de las mansiones, mientras una nueva forma de conciencia florece en reinos de luz viviente. Como una mariposa que emerge de su crisálida, este acto captura la alegría y el asombro de descubrir su yo expandido, reencontrarse con su guía divino y dar sus primeros pasos hacia una aventura eterna. Primera Luz (El Despertar) Verse 1: En las salas de la resurrección Como niño que abre los ojos al sol Nueva forma, nueva sensación El primer respiro de eternidad Chorus: Despierto en luz divina En los mundos mansión Donde el alma camina Hacia su perfección Verse 2: Los guardianes me dan la bienvenida A esta nueva dimensión de vida Donde la muerte ya no existe más Y el amor eterno encontrarás Bridge: ¿Es esto un sueño? No, es más real que antes Es el comienzo De lo que siempre fui Nuevos Ojos, Nuevos Cielos Verse 1: Con ojos morontiales veo Lo que siempre estuvo allí Dimensiones de belleza nueva Se despliegan ante mí Chorus: Más allá de la materia Más allá de lo mortal Se revela un nuevo mundo De conciencia universal Verse 2: Las estrellas tienen nuevos nombres Los colores nueva luz Y mi alma puede ver claramente Lo que oculto estuvo ayer Bridge: Cada vista es revelación Cada momento es asombro En esta nueva dimensión De verdad y de luz La Reunión (El Regreso del Ajustador) Verse 1: El momento sagrado llega Mi compañero eternal retorna Todo lo que fui despierta En memorias de luz y verdad Chorus: Somos uno otra vez Más fuertes que antes En esta nueva aurora De eterna unión Verse 2: Cada recuerdo guardado Cada valor preservado Florece en nueva comprensión En esta santa reunión Bridge: Más que memoria Más que identidad Es el destino Encontrándose al fin Final Verse: En este abrazo divino Donde el tiempo se detiene Donde el amor eterno Por fin nos hace uno Los Primeros Pasos Verse 1: En jardines de cristal y luz Donde el tiempo fluye diferente Mis primeros pasos doy aquí Como niño nuevamente Chorus: Aprendiendo a caminar En senderos de luz pura Cada paso es libertad En esta nueva altura Verse 2: Los maestros morontiales guían Con paciencia infinita y amor Mientras nueva gracia encuentra Este ser en transición Bridge: Entre tierra y paraíso Entre polvo y eternidad Encuentro mi equilibrio En nueva realidad Verse: Ya no peso como antes Ya no temo tropezar En estos reinos brillantes Aprendo a volar El Lenguaje de la Luz Verse 1: Nuevas palabras nacen En mi mente al despertar El lenguaje de los ángeles Comenzando a hablar Chorus: Más allá de las palabras terrestres Más allá del pensamiento mortal Se despliega un nuevo idioma De verdad universal Verse 2: Los intérpretes celestes Enseñan con paciencia y amor Las lenguas de Satania Y de Nebadón Bridge: Cada pensamiento brilla Con nueva claridad Las barreras se disuelven En pura unidad Verse 3: Los significados profundos Que las palabras no pueden tocar Ahora fluyen libremente En comunión celestial Chorus: En el lenguaje del alma En la gramática del corazón Encuentro nueva voz Para cantar mi transformación

Afterlife, Agustin, Espanol, Inhabited worlds, Lyrics, Mansion, Self Improvement, Self Mastery, Self Realization

Acto V: la realidad mayor

Eleva tu mirada hacia los horizontes infinitos que nos aguardan mientras vislumbramos el propósito mayor de nuestro viaje eterno. Este acto final coloca nuestro crecimiento personal dentro del magnífico ámbito del destino cósmico, revelando cómo el viaje de cada alma contribuye a la sinfonía de la perfección universal. [Cómo los viajes individuales contribuyen a la perfección universal] Maestría Progresiva Verso 1: Cada desafío es un regalo, cada esfuerzo una victoria En el trabajo encontramos, la alegría de crecer Coro: Paso a paso avanzamos, nivel por nivel subimos La maestría nos espera, en el camino eternal Verso 2: De mundo mansión en mundo mansión Aprendiendo las lecciones del amor Bridge: No hay atajos en este camino Solo progreso constante y divino El Vínculo Viviente Verso 1: De solitarios viajeros, a ciudadanos cósmicos En la unidad encontramos, nuestra verdadera fuerza Coro: Somos un vínculo viviente, entre cielo y tierra En la diversidad unidos, por el amor eterno Verso 2: Cada conexión es sagrada, cada encuentro divino En la red del universo, todos somos uno mismo Círculos de Logro Verso 1: Círculo tras círculo, subiendo la espiral Cada logro nos eleva, más cerca de la verdad Coro: En los círculos sagrados, nuestro destino brilla Paso a paso alcanzamos, la luz celestial Verso 2: Siete círculos de progreso, siete niveles de amor En cada uno aprendemos, una lección del creador De Receptores a Dadores Verso 1: Lo que recibimos libremente, libremente compartimos En el dar encontramos, la alegría más pura Coro: De receptores a dadores, el ciclo continúa En el servicio encontramos, nuestro verdadero ser Verso 2: La sabiduría fluye, como agua cristalina De corazón a corazón, de vida en vida El Arte de Vivir Espiritual Verso 1: Cada momento es sagrado, cada acción una oración En la vida diaria encontramos, la verdad eterno Coro: El arte de vivir es el arte de amar En cada elección creamos, nuestro destino final Verso 2: No es lo que sabemos, sino cómo vivimos No es lo que decimos, sino lo que hacemos Puente Final: Y así termina el comienzo De nuestro viaje eternal Cada fin es un principio En la aventura sin final El Lamento del Ajustador Verso 1: En silencio te observo, esperando el momento Desde el principio del tiempo, hasta el final del camino Coro: Cada día más cerca, cada paso más fuerte Unidos por siempre, en el tiempo infinito Verso 2: Soy la chispa divina, en tu mente brillando Guiándote siempre, hacia tu destino sagrado Puente: A través de las dudas A través del dolor Nunca te abandono Soy tu guía interior Verso 3: Cuando al fin nos unamos, seremos eternos En perfecta armonía, como siempre soñamos Más Allá del Velo Verso 1: Levanta tu mirada al horizonte eterno Donde mundos de luz están esperando Coro: Más allá del velo, hay un mundo esperando El destino nos llama, el universo cantando Verso 2: Las estrellas son puertas a nuevas aventuras Cada paso nos lleva más cerca a casa Puente: La muerte no es el final Es solo un nuevo comenzo En los mundos mansión Nuestra vida seguirá Sinfonía de Ascensión Verso 1: Cuerpo, mente y espíritu en armonía perfecta Como notas divinas en la sinfonía eterna Coro: Somos la sinfonía, del cosmos ascendiendo En el abrazo del Padre, por fin descansando Verso 2: Cada ser una nota, cada vida una melodía Unidos creamos la música de las esferas Puente: De lo material a lo divino De lo temporal a lo eterno En perfecta armonía Ascendemos juntos Hermandad de Servicio Verso 1: Lo que aprendemos enseñamos, lo que damos recibimos En el servicio encontramos, el propósito divino Coro: Unidos en propósito, unidos en amor La hermandad del servicio, nos hace más fuertes Verso 2: De estudiantes a maestros, de buscadores a guías En cada acto de servicio, nuestra alma se amplía Puente: No hay mayor amor Que dar sin esperar En el servicio eterno Nos realizamos más

Afterlife, Agustin, Espanol, Inhabited worlds, Lyrics, Personal, Self Improvement, Self Mastery, Self Realization, Society

Acto IV: el viaje personal

Descubre cómo florece tu identidad única mientras estableces vínculos con otras almas en ascenso de incontables mundos. Este acto celebra tanto nuestro crecimiento individual como nuestro despertar a la ciudadanía cósmica, mostrando cómo la transformación personal y la hermandad universal se entrelazan en el gran tapiz de la ascensión. [La transformación personal entrelazada con la ciudadanía cósmica] Identidad Eterna Verso 1: Mi esencia permanece inmutable A través del tiempo, indestructible Coro: Soy más que materia y tiempo Fusión divina, lo eterno Mi identidad trasciende El universo lo entiende Verso 2: Cada experiencia me transforma Pero mi núcleo no se deforma El Espíritu Progresivo Verso 1: En busca de la perfección Cada paso es revelación Coro: Descubriendo maravillas Más allá de las orillas El gozo del progreso Es nuestro regreso Verso 2: La gracia nos eleva El conocimiento nos renueva Hermandad de Luz Verso 1: De mil mundos diferentes Unidos como ascendentes Coro: Somos ciudadanos cósmicos En lazos astronómicos Amistades eternas Luces sempiternas Verso 2: Nuestras diferencias celebramos En la luz nos encontramos Bridge: Del polvo a las estrellas Nuestra historia es bella En el plan divino Encontramos el camino Servicio a Través del Crecimiento Verso 1: Más allá de mí mismo veo la luz En el servicio encuentro mi verdad Coro: No es una obligación, es mi alegría Creciendo juntos día a día El universo nos guía Verso 2: Aprendiendo a dar, aprendiendo a ser En equipo podemos trascender Hermandad Práctica Verso 1: Manos que enseñan, corazones que aprenden Juntos construimos un futuro brillante Coro: Somos uno en la diversidad Cruzando fronteras de realidad En la hermandad universal Verso 2: Cada ser tiene un don para compartir En servicio podemos descubrir Comunidad Viva Verso 1: Más allá de las palabras Está la acción que transforma Coro: Viviendo en comunidad Creciendo en unidad El amor es realidad Verso 2: Construyendo puentes entre mundos Cada paso nos hace más profundos Liderazgo de Servicio Verso 1: Con humildad y fortaleza Guiando el camino con certeza Coro: Líderes en el servicio Unidos en el sacrificio El poder del amor divino Verso 2: Organizando la luz En el nombre de la verdad

Afterlife, Lyrics, Mansion, Self Improvement, Self Mastery, Self Realization

Threshold of Light Act II: Discovery

Act II takes listeners through the wonder and awe of discovering a vast new realm of existence. Each revelation builds upon the last, creating an expanding vista of possibilities that challenges our limited concepts of reality. The act explores themes of learning, growth, and the joy of unlimited potential, as newly awakened beings begin to grasp the scope of their new existence. Through this journey of discovery, listeners encounter profound truths about the nature of reality and their place within it. The act encourages exploration of one’s own potential, suggesting that our current limitations are temporary, and that greater understanding awaits those who seek it. This section particularly resonates with those questioning their own capabilities and seeking broader horizons. Seven Steps to Forever Verse 1: First steps after resurrection, eyes adjusting to the light New bodies, new senses, everything feels so bright Second step steadier, as we learn to navigate A world between worlds, where greater truths await Pre-Chorus: Each world a lesson, each lesson a key Unlocking potential we’re destined to be Chorus: Seven steps to forever, climbing higher each day Seven steps to forever, shedding our mortal clay Each world a teacher, each challenge a gift Seven steps to forever, as our spirits uplift Verse 2: Third step confident, embracing cosmic law Fourth step enlightened, free from mortal flaw Fifth step harmonious, in tune with universe song Sixth step illuminated, knowing where we belong Pre-Chorus: Ascending the stairway of celestial design Each step bringing us closer to the divine (Chorus) Bridge: Seven worlds of wonder, seven realms of growth Preparing our souls for the eternal path From material beings to creatures of light Seven steps to forever, reaching glorious height (Chorus) Cosmic Classroom Verse 1: Mansion worlds, our new academy Lessons spanning eternity No textbooks here, no mundane tools Just living truth and cosmic rules Pre-Chorus: Each sphere a grade, each life a test In this school, we’re truly blessed Chorus: Cosmic classroom, knowledge flowing Learning curves eternally growing From thinking, feeling, to soulful doing Our education ever renewing In this university of the spheres We study through the endless years Verse 2: Melchizedek teachers show the way Through realms of night and endless day Ethics, science, and cosmic art Expanding mind and opening heart Pre-Chorus: No royal roads or shortcuts here Just steady growth from sphere to sphere (Chorus) Bridge: Between the stars our lessons lie In every atom, every sky The universe our textbook grand As we learn to understand (Chorus) Mota Musings Verse 1: Beyond the bounds of mortal thought Lies wisdom that can’t be bought Morontia mota, truths profound In cosmic rhythms, they resound Pre-Chorus: Expanding minds, transcending time We grasp at concepts so sublime Chorus: Mota musings, echoes of eternity Truths beyond mortal philosophies In paradox and clarity combined We leave old thinking far behind Each insight a step on our ascent Toward enlightenment Verse 2: Fact and value intertwined A higher logic for our mind What seems opposite may unite In mota’s glow, new truths ignite Pre-Chorus: As we ponder, as we grow The universe begins to show (Chorus) Bridge: Between the concrete and abstract We find new ways to interact With reality’s grand design Our understanding to refine (Chorus) Perfecting Imperfections Verse 1: On the first world of ascension We face our flaws without pretension A mirror to our mortal past Reflects the shadows we’ve amassed Pre-Chorus: In loving hands we place our trust To mold our souls from cosmic dust Chorus: Perfecting imperfections, day by day Smoothing rough edges of the soul away In this crucible of growth divine We learn to truly shine Each flaw addressed, each weakness faced As higher virtues are embraced Verse 2: Biases shed, fears released Our potential finally unleashed Patient teachers guide us through The transformation of the new Pre-Chorus: With each lesson, each small gain We rise above our mortal pain (Chorus) Bridge: Between our past and future bright We struggle toward the perfect light In every stumble, every fall We hear progression’s gentle call (Chorus) Language of Light Verse 1: Tongues of angels, words of fire Cosmic grammar we acquire Uversa’s speech, Havona’s song Learning languages lifelong Pre-Chorus: With each new word, our minds expand Across the stars, across the land Chorus: Language of light, we learn to speak Across the realms, truth we seek From Satania’s tone to Nebadon’s voice In cosmic dialogue, we rejoice Every phrase a step toward Understanding’s rich reward Verse 2: Interpreters guide our way Through linguistic display From mortal speech to spirit thought Universal concepts are caught Pre-Chorus: As barriers fall, our souls unite In communication’s pure delight (Chorus) Bridge: Between the words we used to know And truths that help our spirits grow We find new ways to understand The grand design, so vast and grand (Chorus) Architects of Self Verse 1: On the anvil of the spheres We forge new selves, shed old fears Hammer of experience in hand Shaping souls at wisdom’s command Pre-Chorus: Each challenge faced, a building block In self-creation’s ticking clock Chorus: Architects of self, we stand Blueprints of growth in our hand Constructing character, floor by floor Opening each new inner door In this cosmic workshop vast We build a self that’s made to last Verse 2: Virtues learned, flaws addressed In this school, we’re truly blessed To rebuild all we thought we knew And find a core forever true Pre-Chorus: With every choice, we draft our fate A grander self we cultivate (Chorus) Bridge: Between the selves we leave behind And future forms we’ve yet to find We labor on with hope and zeal To make our higher selves real (Chorus) Symphony of Circuits Verse 1: Mind circuits hum with cosmic power Expanding consciousness hour by hour From material thoughts to morontia dreams We tune in to higher schemes Pre-Chorus: Each connection a note divine In universal design Chorus: Symphony of circuits, play Harmonies of a new day From finite minds to infinite sight We resonate with

Afterlife, Lyrics, Mansion, Self Improvement, Self Mastery, Self Realization

Threshold of Light Act III: Learning

The Learning act delves into the transformative power of education and growth beyond physical limitations. It explores how understanding expands when freed from material constraints, suggesting that our current capacity for knowledge represents only a fraction of our potential. The narrative demonstrates how learning becomes a joy rather than a burden when pursued for the purpose of personal growth and universal contribution. This section offers listeners insight into their own learning journey, encouraging them to view education as an eternal adventure rather than a finite task. It speaks to those seeking meaning in their personal development, suggesting that every piece of knowledge gained contributes to a greater understanding of existence and our role within it. Finaliters Call Verse 1: Echoes of eternity in their eyes Veterans of cosmos, infinitely wise On the first transition world they stand Inspiring new souls with a steady hand Pre-Chorus: Guardians of progress, beacons in the night Showing us the way to endless light Chorus: Hear the Finaliter’s call, across the astral sea Guiding souls through realms unknown, to who we’re meant to be Their wisdom earned through ages past, now freely shared with all Listen to the Finaliter’s call, as we answer destiny’s call Verse 2: Over a hundred thousand strong, they serve with grace Helping us adapt to this new place Their presence a reminder of the path ahead Through their example, our fears are shed Pre-Chorus: Teachers of transcendence, masters of ascent Showing us the way that they once went (Chorus) Bridge: From mortal life to spirit realms They’ve journeyed far beyond these helms Now they return to lend a hand Helping us to understand The grandeur of the Creator’s plan (Chorus) Supervisors of the In-Between Verse 1: In the realm where matter meets spirit Guardians of transition, can you hear it? Morontia supervisors, masters of change Bridging worlds, rearranging Pre-Chorus: Guiding us through metamorphosis From flesh to energy, in this genesis Chorus: Supervisors of the in-between Bridging gaps from flesh to energy Architects of our ascension Molding souls with loving attention In this cosmic continuum, they oversee Our journey to eternity Verse 2: Circuit regulators, energy’s dance System coordinators, nothing left to chance Planetary custodians, keeper of forms Guiding our growth through celestial norms Pre-Chorus: Stabilizers of our evolution Crafting our morontia constitution (Chorus) Bridge: Neither fully matter, nor pure spirit yet In their hands, our path is set Transforming essence, step by step Toward a destiny we’ve never met (Chorus) Advisors Counsel Verse 1: Voices of experience, echoing through time Technical Advisers, wisdom so sublime From Havona they come, to guide our way Through complexities of cosmic display Pre-Chorus: Knowledge spanning galaxies wide In their counsel, we confide Chorus: Wisdom shared across the stars The Advisor’s counsel breaks all bars Illuminating paths unknown Seeds of understanding sown Their insights help us to progress Through universe tests, we’ll express Verse 2: Questions of infinity, they help us grasp Mysteries of eternity, within our grasp Patient teachers of ascending souls Helping us achieve our goals Pre-Chorus: From their vast experience we learn Universal truths for which we yearn (Chorus) Bridge: Though we may not see them clear Their influence is always near Guiding thoughts and actions true Preparing us for cosmic view (Chorus) Seraphic Embrace Verse 1: Wings of light in cosmic night Seraphim guardians, guiding our flight From mortal shores to mansion skies Their loving watch never dies Pre-Chorus: In their arms, we find our way Through realms of night and endless day Chorus: Seraphic embrace, gentle and strong Carrying our souls where we belong Through seven worlds and beyond Our guardian angels respond To every need, every prayer Their love beyond compare Verse 2: Transition ministers, ever near Helping us conquer every fear In their wisdom, we find our strength To journey any cosmic length Pre-Chorus: With each step on heaven’s stair We feel their presence in the air (Chorus) Bridge: Between the worlds of flesh and light They bear us up with all their might In their service, pure and true We glimpse the love that sees us through (Chorus) Melchizedek Mentors Verse 1: Sons of wisdom, timeless teachers Melchizedek mentors, cosmic preachers On mansion worlds, their schools arise Opening ascenders’ inner eyes Pre-Chorus: In their classrooms, souls unfold As cosmic truths are slowly told Chorus: Melchizedek mentors, guiding lights Leading us through morontia nights Their knowledge spans eternity Unlocking secrets, setting us free In their teachings, we discern The greater truths for which we yearn Verse 2: Patient guides through complex thought Helping us grasp what can’t be taught In seminars of light and truth We shed the limits of our youth Pre-Chorus: Each lesson learned, each truth embraced Our ascent path is slowly traced (Chorus) Bridge: Between the finite and divine Their wisdom helps our souls align With universal harmony And glimpse our own destiny (Chorus) Morontia Companions Verse 1: Neither mortal nor divine Morontia companions, friends so fine Walking beside us on our way Through twilight realms to endless day Pre-Chorus: In their company, we find The joys of growth for heart and mind Chorus: Morontia companions, hand in hand Guiding us through this border land Sharing laughter, easing fears Wiping away ascension tears In their friendship, pure and bright We find the strength to reach new height Verse 2: Hosts to visitors from afar Showing wonders near and far In work and play, they lead the way To new discoveries every day Pre-Chorus: Through their eyes, we learn to see The beauty of eternity (Chorus) Bridge: Between the worlds we used to know And realms to which we’ll someday go These faithful friends help us prepare For cosmic journeys beyond compare (Chorus)

Afterlife, english, Mansion, Self Mastery, Self Realization

Threshold of Light Act V: Transformation

The final act presents the ultimate transformation of consciousness, exploring themes of completion, new beginnings, and the eternal nature of growth. It demonstrates how each ending becomes a doorway to greater achievement, suggesting that there is no final destination in the journey of spiritual growth, only ever-expanding horizons of experience and understanding. Through this culminating act, listeners gain perspective on their own potential for transformation and growth. It offers hope and inspiration for those facing personal challenges, suggesting that every obstacle overcome leads to greater understanding and capability. The act leaves listeners with a sense of the infinite possibilities that await conscious beings in their eternal journey of discovery and growth. Adjusters Whisper Verse 1: In the silence of a child’s heart A cosmic dance is set to start Divine fragment, pure and bright Gently touching inner light Pre-Chorus: Whispers of eternity Awakening to divinity Chorus: The Adjuster’s whisper, soft and clear Divine spark igniting, drawing near In innocence, the connection grows A sacred bond that ebbs and flows Guiding young souls to embrace The infinite love of time and space Verse 2: Some arrive with spark intact Others wait for wisdom’s act In the nursery of the spheres The choice of forever nears Pre-Chorus: Patient guardians standing by As young souls yearn to fly (Chorus) Bridge: Between mortal thought and Paradise plan The Adjuster bridges all it can In children’s laughter, in their play Eternal purpose finds its way (Chorus) Celestial Laughter Verse 1: In the midst of cosmic learning There’s a place for joy and yearning Reversion directors take the stage Bringing laughter to every age Pre-Chorus: In the balance of work and play We find strength for each new day Chorus: Celestial laughter rings out clear Finding joy in cosmic play Memories of worlds left behind Help us smile along the way In the echoes of our mirth We transcend our humble birth Verse 2: Humor spans the universe wide From Paradise to worlds that hide In jest we find a common ground Across all realms, laughter’s sound Pre-Chorus: Through relaxation we ascend Refreshed spirits help us transcend (Chorus) Bridge: Prophetic joy in future’s grace Reminiscent smiles of our race Current humor lightens the load As we travel this ascending road (Chorus) Echos of Ascension Verse 1: Seven worlds behind us now Lessons learned have changed us, how From mortal doubts to morontia sight We’ve grown in wisdom, love, and light Pre-Chorus: Each step a victory, each world a song In harmony with the celestial throng Chorus: Echoes of ascension ring Through halls where angels sing Our journey’s start, not its end As higher still we shall ascend In these echoes, we recall How we’ve answered the eternal call Verse 2: Memories of Earth now seem so far As we reach toward the nearest star Our essence refined, our purpose clear The Father’s love forever near Pre-Chorus: Looking back, we clearly see How each trial set us free (Chorus) Bridge: Between the selves we used to be And the selves we’re growing to be We hear the echoes of our rise Resounding through infinite skies (Chorus) Horizons of Spirit Verse 1: Standing on the edge of Jerusem’s light Gazing at the realms beyond our sight Constellation circuits beckon us on To worlds where new wisdom will be won Pre-Chorus: As one journey ends, another begins Our spirits soar on newfound wings Chorus: Horizons of spirit stretch endlessly Calling us to what we’re meant to be Beyond the mansion worlds we’ve known Lie realms where truth and love have grown With each new dawn, each setting sun We know our journey’s just begun Verse 2: Morontia forms now finely tuned For cosmic harmonies yet uncroooned Our souls resonate with higher calls As we prepare to leave these halls Pre-Chorus: The universe opens its arms wide Inviting us to step inside (Chorus) Bridge: Between the realms of space and time We set our sights on the sublime Each horizon crossed reveals anew The grandeur of the cosmic view (Chorus) Symphony of Souls Verse 1: From discord of our mortal days To harmony of celestial ways We’ve learned to sing in cosmic choir Our notes ascending ever higher Pre-Chorus: Each voice unique, yet part of whole In this grand symphony of soul Chorus: Symphony of souls, we raise our song To realms where we now belong From mansion world to Paradise shore Our melody forevermore In this cosmic orchestration We find our true vocation Verse 2: The Father’s love, the eternal theme Woven through this cosmic dream As we ascend from sphere to sphere Our part in the music grows more clear Pre-Chorus: With every note, with every tone We draw closer to the Father’s throne (Chorus) Bridge: Between the first faint hum of faith And the full-voiced praise of seraphs great We add our voices to the refrain That echoes through creation’s domain (Chorus) Seven Steps to Forever Verse 1 (First Mansion World): Awakening from mortal sleep First step on a stairway steep Shedding flaws of earthly life Learning to rise above the strife Pre-Chorus: Each world a lesson, each lesson a key Unlocking the soul we’re meant to be Chorus: Seven steps to forever, climbing higher each day Seven steps to forever, shedding our mortal clay Each world a teacher, each challenge a gift Seven steps to forever, as our spirits uplift Verse 2 (Second Mansion World): Minds expand to grasp mota’s light Cosmic concepts come into sight Social harmony we learn to seek As higher truths begin to speak (Pre-Chorus and Chorus) Verse 3 (Third Mansion World): Ethics and teamwork now take hold Our character shaped in virtue’s mold Universe circuits we start to know As cosmic citizenship begins to grow (Pre-Chorus and Chorus) Verse 4 (Fourth Mansion World): Energy and matter we learn to wield As morontia powers are revealed Our senses sharpen, perceptions change The universe no longer seems strange (Pre-Chorus and Chorus) Verse 5 (Fifth Mansion World): Languages of light we now employ

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