Winds of Urartu

Cosmic Origins [3] The Transformation - Winds of Urartu

Cosmic Origins [3] The Transformation

The Transformation reveals how individual growth through Adjuster partnership contributes to broader planetary and universal progress. Its purpose is to demonstrate the connection between personal spiritual development and larger cosmic patterns of evolution, showing how individual transformation contributes to planetary light and life achievement and ultimately to Supreme completion.

[From Mortal Understanding to Universal Purpose]

3.1 The Awakened World

[Theme: Planetary consciousness and evolution]

    Verse 1:
A world awakens to its worth
Beyond the bounds of mortal birth
As consciousness expands to see
What every sphere is meant to be
In patterns written clear and bright
Through evolutionary light
Awakened world, your time has come
To join the cosmic symphony's hum
As planets near and planets far
Each play their part in who we are
Until at last we understand
The greater cosmic plan
Verse 2:
From individual consciousness
To planetary awareness blessed
Each mind adds to the growing whole
As world-mind starts to know its role
In circles far beyond our own
Where greater truth is shown
Between the personal and vast
Where boundaries cannot last
We find ourselves within the whole
Of cosmic mind and soul
Awakened planet, now you see
Your place in destiny
As consciousness expands to know
The way we're meant to go

3.2 Light and Life

[Theme: Advanced planetary development]

    Verse 1:
When wisdom walks in every street
Where truth and beauty finally meet
As peace becomes our natural way
And darkness turns to endless day
The age of light and life appears
Beyond our mortal fears
Light and life, the sacred goal
Where every part becomes the whole
When planet finds its highest way
And darkness turns to brightest day
Until at last we clearly see
What worlds are meant to be
Verse 2:
Each culture adds its precious part
To planetary mind and heart
As barriers between us fall
And unity embraces all
In harmony beyond compare
That all are meant to share
From chaos into order's dance
From darkness into light's advance
The world transforms before our eyes
As higher wisdom rises
In light and life we find our place
Within the cosmic race
As planet joins with planet then
To start ascension's plan

3.3 The Universal School

[Theme: Learning across the universes]

    Verse 1:
Beyond our world of birth we rise
Through mansion worlds where wisdom lies
Each sphere a classroom vast and true
Teaching what we need to knew
As step by step we learn to be
Part of eternity
Universal school of light
Teaching us through day and night
Every sphere a lesson plan
In the cosmic education's span
Until we learn what we must know
To help all wisdom grow
Verse 2:
From physical to morontia ways
Through spirit-bright eternal days
Each level brings its lesson true
Shows us something fresh and new
As we expand in mind and soul
Toward our final goal
Between each sphere of learning's art
Where wisdom makes a fresh new start
We find ourselves transformed again
By truth's eternal plan
Through universe on universe
We quench our wisdom's thirst
Until at last we understand
The truth of God's great plan

3.4 Cosmic Citizens

[Theme: Universal citizenship and responsibility]

    Verse 1:
No longer bound by planet's shore
Our citizenship means something more
As we learn to take our place
Among the children of God's grace
Who serve throughout infinity
To help all life be free
Cosmic citizens we stand
Serving in the greater plan
Each one finding ways to give
Teaching others how to live
Until all space resounds with praise
Through eternal days
Verse 2:
Service becomes our highest joy
As wisdom's tools we now employ
To help those following behind
Along the paths that we did find
Each lesson learned now taught again
To cosmic citizen
Between the serving and the served
Where higher purpose is observed
We find ourselves at last set free
To be what we're meant to be
Citizens of time and space
Moving at eternal pace
Until all worlds and beings know
The way they're meant to go

3.5 The Corps of Completion

[Theme: Finality of supreme service]

    Verse 1:
Beyond the schools of time we see
A corps of supreme destiny
Where those who've learned all they can learn
Find purpose great for which they yearn
In service to the Supreme Mind
Leaving time behind
Corps of Completion standing strong
Where eternal right meets mortal wrong
Teaching wisdom hard-won true
Showing others what to do
Until supreme perfection's plan
All can understand
Verse 2:
Each victory gained through trial's night
Now serves to help others find light
As what was learned through struggle's pain
Becomes another's precious gain
In circles of completing grace
Finding perfect place
Between completion's final goal
And struggles that made us whole
Lies wisdom that we now can share
With those still climbing there
Corps of those who found their way
Through night to endless day
Now helping others learn to be
All they're meant to be

3.6 The Supreme Dance

[Theme: Integration with the Supreme Being]

    Verse 1:
In movements vast beyond all time
Where rhythm meets with reason's rhyme
The Supreme Being's dance goes on
From evening until dawn
As finite learns infinity
Through all that's meant to be
Supreme dance of space and time
Where your rhythm becomes mine
Moving to eternal beat
Where all destinies complete
Until at last we understand
The Supreme's great plan
Verse 2:
Each step we take adds to the whole
As Supreme Being's purpose rolls
Through universe on universe
Quenching wisdom's thirst
Until perfection's pattern shows
What the Supreme knows
Between the dancing and the still
Where purpose finds its will
We learn to move in perfect time
With rhythms so sublime
Dancing in the Supreme light
Through eternal day and night
Until all moves in harmony
With what's meant to be

3.7 The Ultimate Horizon

[Theme: Transcendent destiny]

    Verse 1:
Beyond the Supreme's mighty dance
Toward horizons of advance
Where ultimate destiny waits
Beyond perfection's gates
We find ourselves prepared to be
Part of mystery
Ultimate horizon calls
Past perfection's crystal walls
Where finite meets infinite tide
And truth and time collide
Until we finally understand
God's ultimate plan
Verse 2:
Each level of achievement gained
Shows new levels to attain
As wisdom endless as the night
Reveals new paths of light
And we discover endlessly
What we're meant to be
Between the known and mystery
Where truth sets spirit free
We find ourselves forever drawn
Toward eternal dawn
Horizon calling endlessly
Through all that's meant to be
As we transcend what we have known
Toward the great unknown
From mortal understanding's start
To wisdom's highest art
The journey never really ends
But ever more transcends
Through time and space eternal free
Toward destiny

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